Join our team of dynamic customers from around the world

Come and see us at our office located in the heart of Shenzhen or send us your inquiry today!



Shenzhen Office

East #368, Third Floor, 301 Building,
TaiRan Industry Area, CheGongMiao,
FuTian, Shenzhen, Guangdong,
China. PRC, 518040

US Office

10000 N. Central Expressway
Suite 850
Dallas, TX 75231


Our Phone

(cn) 755 8297 6631
(us) 214 914 9577

Office Hours

Monday-Friday, 9AM-6PM

We are proud of the dynamic group of people we get to work with everyday and would like to invite you to join the team!

No matter if your project is big or small, we are ready to build a custom tailored solution for you


Send us your request for quote or inquiry.